Inspiration Point Views
Winter views of Mt. San Antonio
Autumn views of Mt. San Antonio
Always leash your pet!
Table Mountain
Big Pines Visitor Center
Happy 80th Birthday, Smokey!
Big Pines Visitor Center in the Fall
Happy 80th Birthday, Smokey!
Fire Danger Sign
Big Pines Tower
Big Pines Visitor Center Front Deck
BPVC Tower
PCT hike with friends
The open trail
Sunset Hike
Great views
Top of Mt Baden Powell
Moonlight Hike
Hiking Trail
Pine trees in sunlight at Grassy Hollow picnic area
Wallflower on Nature Trail
Snowshoe hikes at Grassy Hollow Visitor Center
Wally the Limber Pine on Mt. Baden Powell
Lupine at Grassy Hollow Visitor Center
Moonlight hike at Grassy Hollow
Sunset on Mt. Baldy
Pack it in, pack it out.